Monday, March 28, 2011

My Awesome, Amazing, Fantastic Weekend!!!

Well I had a great weekend wiht Dan and Lauren. We went out for sushi on Friday night and then went to a movie at 10:30!! I couldnt believe that they showed movies at 10:30! But I still liked it. Then on Saturday we went for brunch at Denny's and they were having a "Bacon Fest" I thought that was funny, they had bacon pancakes and then i saw they had a Bacon Sundae!! That sounded disgusting. I sure didnt have the guts to try it! After brunch we went to IKEA to look for furniture for Dan and Laurens new place that they will be getting. After we wondered around IKEA for a bit we decided to go to the mall and get some clothes, Dan got a bunch of polo t-shirts and I got a new hoodie and a new shirt. I was really happy with that. Then we went to the Keg to have supper with mom before we went to church. At the Keg I had a salmon which I didnt want but i ate it anyways, and then mom couldnt eat all her steak and Zach couldnt eat all his steak so they came to me because Dan and Lauren are vegetarian. Well that was my exciting im just waiting for my ride to go to school :)

With Care

John Arndt

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


We are moving!! I know we are not to hate stuff but...I really hate moving!! I dont like the stress of it. I really dont like dividing up the things and then doing it behind someones back. I think that is really rude!! Sometimes the stress is unbarable. Also lastnight I found out that I need to get rid of some of my furniture in my room and all the pictures off the wall....
which includes:
- Pictures from my childhood
- Pictures from art class
- Pictures from the internet i thought were cool
I really dont wantto get rid of these but mom said we can put them in the storage unit until we move. I really wish we werent moving. its to stressful for anyone!!! Well thats whats happening in my mind today.....

With Care


Monday, March 21, 2011

Thoughts for today from "MY" Teenage life

Well today is another day. I'm praying that it goes well. I have a lot of catching up to do considering I only went into school two day last week. I really hope the teachers are understanding about it. I was in Subway the other day, and as I was standing in line I was listening to the radio station and thought these are songs I know I thought that's funny most places I go I don't understand the songs unless its country and only some country I know. I was very surprised to hear them playing 88.9 Shine FM. If only every store and restaurant played christian music then I would be in heaven!. I can only dream. But as the saying goes "dreams without action." I don't know how I would do it but i will try to get most restaurants to play christian music even if its only on a Sunday that's a start. :)



Thursday, March 17, 2011

⌘ Happy St. Patricks Day! ⌘

Happy St.Patricks Day everyone. Here are some facts about this religious holiday. For one did you know it was a religious holiday? I for sure didn't know that. Did you also know how it started? It started when Christianity was brought into Ireland.  It is commemorates Saint Patrick , but is most commonly recognised of the patron saints of Ireland. It is celebrated as a Catholic holiday but the Anglican church took part in it too. the Eastern Orthodox Church and Lutheran Church. Saint Patrick's Day was made an official feast day in the early 17th century.Also on St. Patty's day people would meet in the church and dress in green attire especially wearing next time you think of St. Patricks Day as drinking and having fun. It is a religious holiday and is to be spent in the church.

Just some thoughts for today.



Our God is an Awesome God

Today on the radio came the song "Our God is an Awesome God" it made me think about that song because when you really think of it our God is an "Awesome God" I really never thought of this song and never thought of the meaning or really listened to the words but the words are very profound when in the song he says the judgemeant and rath he poured out on sondom means that if we going to the way some of us are going like sinning coninually and doing stuff we know are the depths of sin and if we dont ask fo forgivness from "Our God" then we wont get into the kingdom of God. hope you like this song. let me know with your comments either on facebook or on here for those of you who are followers.



Monday, March 14, 2011

If Jesus Came To Your House

If Jesus came to your house, I wonder what you'd do.

Yes, if Jesus came to your house, to spend a day or two,
If He came unexpected, just dropped in on you.
I know you'd give your nicest room to such an honored guest,
And all the food you'd serve to Him would be the very best.
And you would keep assuring Him you're glad to have Him there,
That serving Him in your home is joy beyond compare.

But when you saw Him coming, would you meet Him at the door
With arms outstretched in welcome to your heavenly visitor?
Or would you have to change your clothes before you let Him in?
Or hide some magazines and put the Bible where they'd been?
Would you turn off the radio and hope He hadn't heard?
And wish you hadn't uttered that last loud hasty word?
And would you hide your worldly music and put some hymn books out?
Could you let Jesus just walk right in, or would you rush about?

And I wonder if the Savior spend a day or two with you,
Would you go right on doing the things you always do?
Would you go right on saying the things you always say?
Would life for you continue as it does from day to day?
And would your family conversation keep up it's usual pace?
And would you find it hard each meal to say a table grace?
Would you sing the songs you always sing, and read the books you read,
And let Him know the things on which your mind and spirit feed?

And would you take Jesus with you everywhere you'd planned to go?
Or maybe would you change your plans for just a day or so?
Would you be glad to have Him meet your very closest friends,
Or hope that they would stay away until His visit ends?
And would you be glad to have Him stay forever on and on?
Or would you sigh with great relief when He at last was gone?

Oh, it might be interesting to know the things that you would do,
If Jesus came in person to spend some time with you.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

God can turn any situation from bad to good if you just believe!

Well today is Sunday. Sundays seem to be hard right now to go to church, to worship, and to fellowship. Sometimes its really hard to worship when the people that are the cause of all this mess go to your church, worship infront of you, and try to fellowship with you and act like nothing happened! also right now its been a year since the Loners left. today would be the first Sunday that Steve Wiseman preached and would preach for the next few months. Last week is what would of been the last Sunday Jennifer and Paul were here. I really hate that all this happened but I have to keep remembering that even though satan got his hand in it and messed it up God is going to bring it to someting beautiful. Just like the fire at the Thrift Store. Satan had his hand in starting that journey that seemed to be a long one at the time and God put his hand it and it turned out to a beautiful thrift store and a beautiful church :) God can turn things around in any situation. I originaly called this blog posting "Sunday" but I thought that didnt fit.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Amazing Grace

I absolutly love this video :) its so inspirational :)

My thoughts on "Homosexuality"

The other night my grandma and me had an argument about homosexuality. For me i dont condone it but if someone I knew came to me and said they were gay then i wouldnt see them any differently or judge them. If you had a homosexual come into a church i bet 90% of the church would think "what the heck is he doing here" "get the heck out of my church." But as for the pastor I think they have a responsibility to accept them in the church and to love and care for them. If we push these people away then we are saying that no one loves them. That is not true God loves them. They are Gods childeren just like you and me but God doesnt love the sin. It really makes me upset when people judge people and say that people that are gay dont love christ and havent excepted Jesus Christ as there Lord and Saviour. I believe when a gay walks into a church they are saying i need help and i ant to change my ways. Now that doesnt mean we swarm them and start shooting scripture at them that means that we love them and accept them. When someone comes out and says they are gay they tend to be forgotten and left in the background and not wanted. For me I will take it as my duty to help homosexuals to see God. Now dont take this blog posting as me saying I condone it because I dont but that doesnt me that I cant love the people that participate in it

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"I Believe God Is Working!!"

Today when I was watching Joyce Meyers she was talking about believing in God for everything! Now that doesnt me for you to just put your feet up and let God take it all you have to do your part. When you have Debt its your responsibility to take care of that debt here on earth, which could mean spending less, not going out to eat as often, whatever it maybe. You cant just pray to God and say God take the debt away because tht would just like our parents giving us money and not earning it and learning from it, we created the debt we need to fix it, God will be there right beside us through the whole thing. Another thing that Joyce talked about was that we must forget ourselves and disown ourselves and pick up his cross and go. It takes alot of thinking of this one for alot of people because they think this sounds the worse and not fun because it also says that we are to loos sigt of ourselves and forget ourselves. But we need to remember that God is our healer he is way better than any drug we can get over the counter. we also need to remember that we can help someone else but can we help ourselves. Sometimes it is ok to put ourselves first but dontmake it a habbit. if we are broken how how can we help someone else?.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Well today is Monday. Mondays for me are good for the most part. I hear all the time from kids at my school complain "oh my goodness its Monday" "sigh." Now I'm not saying I don't say that. But I don't say that every Monday. But I'm not blogging about this to complain so. Today is the day that Jennifer and Paul left to go to Ontario one year ago.
I really miss them allot! I really wish none of the crap that happened didn't happen!! some people really need to shut up! they don't know everything!!
Also today at school I had to deal with a lazy butt sitting beside me and a noisy girl who has to put her input on everything I really don't like people like that!!
I really wish that people wouldn't make up lame excuses for why they cant have the realtor come in to take pictures!!
Anyways that was my Monday and even though it sounds like I'm complaining I'm really not I'm just stating some facts.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Life Calling...

Today my class went to Bow Valley College. we went around the college and im pretty sure that I know what my life calling is to be. I would like to be an interior decorator. i love matching things such as pillows and wall colors and stuff like that. After I go to Bow Valley College I feelig that I am called to become an Officer in the Salvation Army. Another reason I would like to become an interior decorator is that if anything was to happen like what happened to my friends (previouse Officers) then I will have something to fall back on if being an Officer doesn't work out then I have something to fall back on. I'm hoping that I dont have to go up against something like what they had to. But sometimes people are ignorant and controlling. I really hate people like that. Some people just really need to shut up!! But I'm going to stop talking about them because I have forgiven these people for what they did andtalking abut is bring up some anger and I dont want to be angery right now. That is what my day was like and I'm sure this is what God is calling me to do.

